Sunday, July 22, 2007


population growth is a serious problem that faces many countries today but many steps have been taken to solve this problem which make me feel optimistic about the future of population .For example, government are encouraging people to control and reduce the birth rate. In addition ,people become more aware of this problem that may affects negatively the future of their lives and their children's lives. However, overreducing birth rate can generate high rate of aging people which can lead to pessimistic outcome. There will Many jobs and few people that lead to unbalance life and cause serious consequences.

As of now, the population is growing at such a rate that in the near future, the planet will no longer be able to support the huge numbers. I think the industrial countries already accomplished many different solutions to population growth. Therefore, I think they have to help the emerging countries to solve this problem. For example,United Nations has chosen to allow different countries to set a maximum size for families living in that country such as: China.

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